The Memorial Windows

The Message of the Memorial Windows

 written by Doris Cary Beecher  October 21, 1956 for the 150th anniversary 

First Presbyterian Church of Livonia in Livonia, NY.

Shining and white it stands,

On the green at the top of the hill,

Our church – erected by loving hands,

A sacred duty to fulfill.


Within its hallowed walls,

As we gather together to pray,

God lays His hand on our souls,

And soothes our cares away.


Thru the soft rays of the varied light,

Is revealed the artist’s soul,

As the symbol of the Holy Word

Are etched so clear and bold.


For our hearts are anchored fast,

By the faith our fathers knew,

And we are bound like the sheaf of wheat

His work and will to do.


So to the Cross our eyes we raise,

Remembering all the pain

Of Him who gave His precious life,

That Heaven we might gain.


And as the gentle dove of Peace

Its snow-white wings would spread,

His love, like a mantle covers us,

To shower His blessing on our heads.


“I am the Vine” the Master said,

“Ye are the fruit I bear,

Follow Me on the way of life –

My glory you shall share”.


Pure as the lilies of the field

Our love for Him should be,

And, gazing on His Sacred face

We bow in deep humility.


For love like His was never known –

The He His life should give,

The Bible spells our duty out,

And tells us how to live.


That we, like those now gone to rest,

May to His glory add,

And leave behind as strong a faith

As our forefathers had.